News10 Ways Employers Can Support Remote Employee’s Mental Health Needs

10 Ways Employers Can Support Remote Employee’s Mental Health Needs

10 Tips to Support the Mental Health of Remote Employees
Do regular face-to-face check-ins

So what’s one way to show remote workers you’re there for them? Doing regular non-work-related check-ins.
Use your online collaboration tools to schedule a time to meet, either one-on-one or as a group. Strike a balance between checking in with employees individually and as a team. 

If you’ve never done this regularly, it may be a little awkward at first. So, ease everyone in with some virtual icebreakers to lighten the mood and get everyone out of work mode.
Offer added benefits and perks
Can you perhaps offer additional benefits or perks for employees during these trying times? Some employers are now considering health plans that include mental health services for employees—and it can be a good benefit to add if you can’t hand out raises as often as before.

If changing your company health plan isn’t an option, you can give smaller, one-time perks instead. For example, help your remote team build their dream productive workspace at home by subsidizing expenses for certain office supplies or equipment.
Send a mental health survey
Sometimes employees can’t open up about their mental health concerns in a virtual meeting. Some might find it easier to evaluate their well-being if they’re sent a guided survey or form to express where they’re struggling.

A mental health survey tells you, as the employer, where you can support your employees more in a very specific way. Encourage employees to be very honest when answering this survey, especially if it means it will help you support them emotionally and mentally in and out of work.
Encourage employees to take leave from work
Sometimes remote employees may feel they aren’t entitled to take leave because they already work from home and have greater flexibility. But everyone needs to take a break from work, even for a few days. Encourage employees to take their paid leaves or apply for unpaid leave whenever needed. 
An effective way to encourage employees to do this? Model the behavior yourself: take leave from work and show employees that rest is an essential part of their work lives.
Share mental health resources in a dedicated newsletter or channel
Sometimes, sharing resources like articles or videos about mental health is enough to show employees you’re thinking about their well-being. Regularly send new resources to help them manage stress, reduce anxiety, or get over relatable work issues like being “always on” or being afraid of taking breaks from work.
Share these in a dedicated Slack channel for mental health, so everyone knows where to find them. Or send them in a company newsletter each week.
Create a company exercise calendar
Strong links support physical exercise as one of the most effective ways to alleviate stress and boost the spirit. As a business owner, try to find ways to get everyone to stay active, even if they’re stuck at home.
One fun way to do this is to create a company exercise calendar or schedule different physical activities anyone can do. For example, you can schedule a weekly dance party or invite instructors for a fun company yoga session online.
Express gratitude often
Gratitude is one of the only things you can give away without losing anything in return. And when it comes to your employees, expressing gratitude can help boost morale and make them feel appreciated.
Work gets stressful for everybody, but you should still reward good work and employee presence with praise. Thank everyone individually for their contributions and even praise teams for jobs well done in public Slack channels or company newsletters.
Put up extracurriculars and team-building activities
Give employees something to look forward to each week or month with extracurriculars they can join outside work. Encourage teams to start book or film clubs, get everyone together for a team talent show, or just have a good time playing virtual games with each other. 
You can even encourage ownership of these tasks by getting volunteers to manage these activities. It can be a great way to empower employees to contribute in ways outside work and really highlight their personal strengths.
Host or sponsor mental health seminars
Try inviting mental health coaches to come aboard one day and give intimate seminars to the company. This can be a space for your remote employees to talk to real professionals in the mental health industry about actual issues and concerns that may be bothering them. 
These seminars may also benefit you since you can identify areas to support employees in more intimate or much-needed ways. The mental health industry constantly sees changes and improvements in their research and studies, and it doesn’t hurt to stay informed.
Empower employees to help their communities
Sometimes we can uplift ourselves when we uplift others. Inspire a sense of community and contribution within your company by starting a volunteer program or fundraising campaign, especially in causes that matter most to your employees.
For example, Diishan Imira of Mayvenn, an online platform that helps hair stylists connect and gain new clients and customers, started a #SaveTheSalon fundraising campaign. 
His company sought to help displaced hair stylists whose incomes were severely cut due to COVID-19 shutdowns. 
Put employees’ well-being first
When you take care of employees, your employees take care of business. This maxim is especially true in a remote workforce that eliminates in-person interactions.

Source: Black Enterprise

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