military salute. With beret (hat) patch with no rank.
Seventy–five years ago, the United States Armed Forces were desegregated, a decision that followed years of tumultuous racial conflict and several domestic and international wars. Black service members have long fought for their rights at home by fighting battles abroad to secure equality. Though the sentiment is honorable, historically, they rarely reaped the benefits of their service, and some even faced persecution for donning the same uniform as their white brethren. However, the White House acknowledged these sacrifices and years of bloodshed in a statement from President Joe Biden.
“..Today, as we commemorate this milestone on our unending journey toward our more perfect union, we honor the contributions, sacrifice, and resilience of the brave servicewomen and men of every background who stepped up to defend our nation—in so many cases, even before their rights as equals under the law had yet to be realized,” he wrote.
The poignant letter comes during a time of racial division and growing tensions as Black Americans continue their fight for justice and equality.
While the country still bears remnants of those years before, the desegregation of the Armed Forces was the first move in a long-awaited movement to achieve racial equality.
RELATED CONTENT: A Diversity Focus for the Armed Forces
Source: Black Enterprise