The judge barred the comedian from ingesting illegal substances, CBD products, or prescription medications outside therapeutic levels.
Comedian Tiffany Haddish has been ordered by a Georgia judge not to consume drugs or alcohol and to undergo random testing following her second DUI arrest within the state.
Court documents obtained by Radar Online show prosecutors requested the restrictions after Haddish was arrested on Nov. 24 for allegedly falling asleep at the wheel while parked in the middle of a street. Prosecutors successfully argued to modify Haddish’s bond to forbid drinking and mandate drug screening. The judge concurred, barring the comedian from ingesting illegal substances, CBD products, or prescription medications outside therapeutic levels.
Haddish must now submit to panels detecting common illegal narcotics plus alcohol biomarkers, according to Radar Online.
Her trial, postponed last week due to her lawyer’s schedule, stems from police claims that she had smoked marijuana before operating her vehicle. Haddish contends officers lacked reasonable cause to initiate their traffic stop, disputing her car matched a suspicious vehicle’s description.
She argues this renders the subsequent blood test and any statements she made inadmissible as fruits of an unlawful seizure. According to the outlet, a ruling on her suppression request is still pending. Beyond the criminal liability, Haddish also faces a potential Los Angeles DUI case now under review and a $1 million lawsuit from a former friend regarding the first Georgia incident.
The repeated arrests represent legal peril for the comedian. The judge’s strict sobriety directives, enforced by monitoring, aim to prevent further offenses as the case proceeds.
Haddish maintains police overreached on false pretenses. Prosecutors view unregulated alcohol and marijuana use as a public danger that must be constrained.
Source: Black Enterprise