Nationwide — Women who are trapped in or recovering from Narcissistic Abuse now have a new resource to help them navigate their healing journey following the release of the new book, Rising Above Narcissistic Abuse: Your Navigational Journey to Freedom by Ina Johnson Myers.
Experts estimated over 158 million people in the U.S. were affected by Narcissistic Abuse years before the Covid Pandemic. Sadly, studies show that victims of this kind of abuse often suffer from anxiety, depression, and Complex-PTSD. But there is hope.
Rising Above Narcissistic Abuse: Your Navigational Journey to Freedom is an anthology of poignant stories from 12 survivors of Narcissistic Abuse who have turned their pain into purpose. Visionary author, Ina Johnson Myers, along with Foreword, Dr. Carmen Bryant, Co-Authors, Cynthia Albritten, Shannon Savoy, Patricia Kinard, Jocelyn Swanson, Demetrius Hall, Isa Farrington Nichols, Tiffany Moore, Tisha Bolen, Sharon Jones, Dr. Canzada Twyman, and Chyna Nnadede teamed up to give voice, hope, strength, and strategies to women who are suffering from Narcissistic Abuse in silence.
Far from the average abuse story, many of these co-authors are Mental Health Professionals, Ministry Leaders, Military Women, Licensed Therapists, and Trauma Life Coaches who have a special understanding of this insidious abuse. Coupled with their experience, they offer a rare insight into spotting narcissistic behaviors and the strategies to empower victims to navigate their journey to freedom, healing, and wholeness.
The book was compiled by Combat Veteran, 4x Bestselling Author, Entrepreneur, International Keynote Speaker, and Certified Life Coach, Ina Johnson Myers. Myers is also the CEO of When She Rise, a Coaching Academy that advocates for women to understand the difference between healthy and narcissistic love and relationships.
When asked about the motivation for compiling the stories, for the book she explains: “Because Narcissistic Abuse is not as glaring as physical abuse, victims often suffer silently. A broken bone from physical abuse affects the victim, but a broken spirit due to mental, emotional, sexual, and financial abuse affects the generations of that victim. We all know that at some point in life, pain is inevitable, but long-suffering from toxic relationships is optional and isn’t God’s plan for our life. I wanted to share these stories to offer hope and awareness to women who are traversing this journey. Although the enemy orchestrated these experiences to destroy us, God turned them around for good. There is a healing at the end of the tunnel and we are living testaments of that.”
Already Rising Above Narcissistic Abuse: Your Navigational Journey to Freedom is resonating with readers. Within days of being published, the book soared to the top spot on Amazon in the category of Mood Disorders. One reader said: “This book is a must-read for all survivors of Narcissistic Abuse. I love the stories of each woman of hope, inspiration, and grace.”
The book is available on Amazon in paperback and as an ebook.
Also, be sure to visit the official website for the book at RisingAboveNarcissisticAbuse.com
For press inquiries, contact info@whensherise.com
Source: BlackNews.com