The llinois Supreme Court has overturned Jussie Smollett’s conviction for an alleged fake attack in Chicago.
In a shocking decision, the Illinois Supreme Court has overturned Jussie Smollett’s conviction for an alleged fake attack in Chicago.
During the investigation, police later found the two men were personal trainers hired by the actor and determined Smollett had orchestrated the entire attack.
Smollett Sentenced to Jail, Probation, and Tens of Thousands in Fines
The decision by the Illinois Supreme Court to overturn Smollett’s conviction is a surprise.
According to the court’s opinion, the Illinois Supreme Court found that a special prosecutor’s decision to retry Smollett violated his rights, the Chicago Tribune reports.
“We are aware that this case has generated significant public interest and that many people were dissatisfied with the resolution of the original case and believed it to be unjust,” the court’s opinion reads. “Nevertheless, what would be more unjust than the resolution of any one criminal case would be a holding from this court that the State was not bound to honor agreements upon which people have detrimentally relied.”
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Source: Black Enterprise